Since its introduction in 2005, MetaTrader 5 (MT5) has become one of the top institutional grade trading platforms with different features suitable for all traders. It allows traders to personalize their trades by themselves through a user-friendly and highly customizable design. Besides, MT5 offers other functions including interactive charts, technical indicators, along with its ability to execute nearly instantly, thus supporting our traders to trade comfortably and confidently.
Torroso connects the MT5 platform to the NY4 Equinix server located on Wall Street, New York, offering our clients a reliable and stable platform that can execute trades as fast as 2-5 milliseconds. The Equinix uses a range of Prime Liquidity providers to give traders access to the best bid/ask prices available since it allows them to trade directly with the market. Mobile trading, Trading Signals and the Market are the integral parts of MetaTrader 5 that enhance our client’s Forex trading experience.
Furthermore, MT5 offers the help of automated trading robots Expert Advisors (EA), who can assist traders to reach their targets with their own trading style (please note that Torroso does not provide EA programs to our clients). Besides, the platform offers ample opportunities to traders of all skill levels: advanced technical analysis, flexible trading system and algorithmic trading, as well as mobile trading applications. We also provide Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting so our clients can be in peace of mind if their computers turn off.
Key Features: